Reunion 2015
Cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandparents and grandchildren traveled from near (Lilliwaup) and far (Atlanta, New York, California, Pennsylvania, and more) to get together on August 21 & 22, 2015. There were children who had grown since the last reunion; a whole generation of "kids" who are now adults; and many of us who can't believe we are no longer kids, but the oldest living generation.
Photos. Despite our best intentions, we failed once again to get photos of everyone present. Daniel Morris did take many pictures, including most of the ones shown above; see them all online at
If you have some photos you are willing to share on this website, please send them to [email protected]. (Please also send me an email if I have misspelled a name on any of the pictures above!)
Photos. Despite our best intentions, we failed once again to get photos of everyone present. Daniel Morris did take many pictures, including most of the ones shown above; see them all online at
If you have some photos you are willing to share on this website, please send them to [email protected]. (Please also send me an email if I have misspelled a name on any of the pictures above!)